Дата проведения: 
09.09.2013 - 10.09.2013
Сеул, Южная Корея

9-10 сентября 2013 г. в г. Сеул в Южной Корее пройдет фоум "Торговля биотопливными пеллетам в Азии/ Biomass Pellets Trade Asia". Компании из Азии приглашают российские компани принять участие в этом мероприятии.

Основная тема конференции 2013 г.: "Enabling the Growth of Biomass to Power & Heat - Feed-in Asia's Demand for Wood Pellets & Biomass". "Global Buyers & Sellers Meet!" - встреча покупателей и продавцов биотоплива.

Более подробно на английском языке (пока синхронного перевода на русский язык на конференции не будет, но английский будет основным языком форума):

The key focus of 4th Biomass Pellets Trade Asia is to offer two-sides views on Asia Biomass Market Dynamics, demand arising within North Asia for co-firing, dedicated biomass power generation and CHP, and a continued scrutiny into the supply and investment potential of South East Asia’s wood pellets and agricultural residues (biomass).


At 4th Biomass Pellets Trade Asia, discussion will be focused to address issues in:


· Drivers to Accelerate North Asia's Demand for Biomass in Power Generation & CHP

· Clarification on Renewable Energy Policy: FIT and RPS in Japan, South Korea & China

· Executing Large-Scale Biomass Co-firing & CHP

· Utilisation of Biomass in Industrial Power/Cogeneration Plants (E.g. Cement & Steel, etc)

· Global Wood Pellets Supply - Market Dynamics, Competitive & Logistical(Shipping) Advantages (Australia, USA, Canada, Russia & etc)

· Securing Wood Pellets & Agricultural Biomass Supply from Southeast Asia (Palm Kernel Shell (PKS), Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Rice Husk Pellets, etc)

· Securing Financing for Pellets Production OR Bio-Power Generation

· Progress of Torrefaction Technologies, Bio-Coal & Palm Pellets


Контакты:Sharon Tang

Regional Conference Director


Centre for Management Technology

Tel: (65) 6346 9139

Mobile: (65) 94554592

Fax: (65) 6345 5928

Yahoo IM: sharontangcmt

e-mail: sharon@cmtsp.com.sg

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