10 December 2010, 11:46

For Hekotek end of November was marked by a new big contract signed with Stora Enso holding. According to the contract, Hekotek is to act as a prime contractor in complex equipment supply for the new large pellet mill.

The new mill is to be launched in Autumn 2011 in Imavere (Estonia), its designed annual capacity will make up some 100 thousand ton of pellets. The complex delivery will include 3 CPM pellet presses, Stela belt drier, Bruks turbulator conveyor and some other equipment. Total amount of Stora Enso investments for the project realization is estimated at the level of 10 mln EUR.

The new pellet mill will be constructed on the base of Imavere Sawmill - the largest sawmill in the whole Baltic region. The new mill is going to be the third pellet mill of Stora Enso constructed by Hekotek – the first two earlier realized projects and now successfully operating mills: Impilahti pellet mill, Karelia republic, Russia (annual capacity 25 thousand ton) and Gruvön pellet mill, Sweden (actual annual capacity over 100 thousand ton of pellets), both mills launched in 2009.

